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  • Republic of Serbia
    Office of the War Crimes Prosecutor
  • Republic of Serbia
    Office of War Crimes Prosecutor
  • Republic of Serbia
    Office of War Crimes Prosecutor


On 23 July 2024, the War Crimes Public Prosecutor's Office issued an order to expand the investigation against suspect A.K. due to the criminal offense of war crimes against prisoners of war from Article 144 of the Criminal Code of the FRY. The Public Prosecutor's Office proposed custody for the
On 3 July 2024, the War Crimes Public Prosecutor's Office issued an order to conduct an investigation against suspect F. K. due to the criminal offense of war crimes against prisoners of war from Article 144 of the Criminal Code of the FRY. The Prosecution suggested ordering custody for the suspect.
On 14 June 2024, the War Crimes Public Prosecutor's Office submitted to the Higher Court in Belgrade, the War Crimes Department, indictment Kto. no. 2/2024 against an individual due to justified suspicion that, together with several unknown persons, he had, during 1999 in the territory of AP Kosovo