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Case name

Case name:

Case number

КТО 6/13

Number of victims


Persons indicted


Rank(s) of person(s) indicted

lower military

Indictment date

Case stage

finally resolved

Duration of proceedings since trial commencement

1 year

Witnesses examined


Date and outcome of the first instance verdict

First-instance judgment: acquitted of charges

Date and outcome of decision on appeal

Date and outcome of verdict in new trial


Criminal offence

Criminal offence: war crime against civilian population under art. 142 (1) re art. 22 of the FRY Criminal Act

Background facts

Background facts:
Charges against the accused concerned his role as a guard in prison camp Čelebići (BH). According to the charges, the accused engaged in repeated campaigns of torture against a captured Serb civilian (beating with various objects, kicking with military boots etc.) and, jointly with other camp guards, participated in acts of torture against other captured Serb civilians, who were for a whole day held in a manhole without sufficient ventilation.

Procedural remarks

The defendant was released from all charges.
